The address for the Socialsense blog
The Thebarton Senior College Moodle
Contact Malcolm at
Social ethics topic chosen
The class has decided that the social ethics topic is to be same-sex marriage. You may have heard the news that the same-sex marriage Bill is going to parliament today and will be debated over coming months. Now that we have decided on this topic for our Forum I suggest that you should be reading everything you can find on the topic. Maybe tomorrow, considering we do not have class you can research the topic so that you come to class next Monday with a bit of an idea as I get you to meet for the first time in your political groups.
The groups are:
Radicals (Rad-i-cool))
Sam, Dion, Kira, Brooklyn, Matt, Tayla, Nikol and Hass (8)
Moderates (name please)
George, Amina, Sandra, Krystal, Josh (5)
Conservatives ( )
Abdul, Jacky, Lauriane, Maria, Sang, Narad and Osman (7)
You will notice we have a 'hung parliament'. The Moderates need to discuss which side they will support ...or splinter as a group!
Attached is the assignment sheet for the Ethics Forum on Same-sex marriage
Firtly let us clarify:
Marriage is a unique legal status conferred by and recognized by governments the world over. It brings with it a host of reciprocal obligations, rights, and protections. Yet it is more than the sum of its legal parts. It is also a cultural institution. The word itself is a fundamental protection, conveying clearly that you and your life partner love each other, are united and belong by each other’s side. It represents the ultimate expression of love and commitment between two people and everyone understands that. No other word has that power, and no other word can provide that protection.
What is a civil union?
A civil union is a legal status created by the state of Vermont in 2000 and subsequently by the states of Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Illinois, Delaware and Hawaii. It provides legal protection to couples at the state law level, but omits federal protections as well as the dignity, clarity, security and power of the word “marriage.”
Here is some more listening and reading for you to start looking at the issue: