The address for the Socialsense blog
The Thebarton Senior College Moodle
Course Calendar for your time management
Contact Malcolm at
Yo have started to choose some great topics for your investigations.
Here they are:
Amina: The phenomenon of Neo-Nazism in the modern world.
Narad: Teenage parenting.
Van: Banning smoking in public places.
Abdul: To ban theBurka in Australia?
Mat: Decline of the church in Australia.
Lauriane: Food waste in our society.
Osman: Racism.
Jackie: Bullying in schools.
Kira: Child modelling.
Krystal: Discrimination against the wearing of tatoos in the workplace.
Tayla: Legalising prostitution in South Australia.
George: Legislation to minimise drug use.
Maria: Organ donation.
Nikol: A big Australia or not?
- Your task now is to fine tune your topic into an issue/ethics study, create a hypothesis, develop focus questions and plan your research. To help these tasks you should be reading everything you can find on your issue.
- You can change your topic anytime up to the week 5 of this term. Just re-submit a new proposal to me.
- The due date for the Investigation is Friday of Week 6, Term 3.