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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Great topics for investigation

The address for the Socialsense blog
The Thebarton Senior College Moodle
Course Calendar for your time management

Contact Emma and Malcolm at

Today you chose some great topics for your investigations.

Here they are:

Lauren: The effect of the media on the body image of young females OK
Sadiqa: The reasons for bullying in schools.
Amina: The banning of the burqa.OK
Hassan: Views on compulsory voting in Australia.OK
Zehui: Schooling in China and Australia.OK
Mojgan: Euthanasia.OK
Pathabor:The impact of Facebook on the young.
Manisha: Discrimination with same sex marriage.
Chrispal: Social acceptance of tattoos.
Christopher: Young peole and the news .OK
Josh: Impact of computers on modern life. OK
Nathan: Harassment in the military.
Amin: Why do refugees risk their lifes coming to Australia.
Alberta: How to learn to use a computer - a computer guide
Kate: Psychological impact of Abortion on women.OK

  • Your task now is to fine tune your topic into an issue/ethics study, create a hypothesis, develop focus questions and plan your research.  To help these tasks you should be reading evertything you can find on your issue.
  • You can change your topic anytime up to the end of term.  Just submit a new proposal to Emma or I.
  • The due date for the Investigation is Friday of Week 6, Term 3.

    Monday, May 28, 2012

    Due dates for Semester 1 work

    Here are the due dates for Stage 1 and 2 Society and Cultures work.  It is really important that you organise yourself to ensure that these assessment deadlines are met.

    Stage 1

    28/5/12: Group assignment product handed up.

    1/6/12: Group reflection due and

    Presentation of the Group task.
    • Develop a Powerpoint for the presentation
    • Each member to talk for one minute on a part of your brochure
    • Imagine you are talking to a group of new arrivals in Adelaide.
    13/6/12: My Culture/My Story presentation to the class.

    14/6/12: Presentation of My Culture/My Story to Intercultural Understanding conference at Immanuel College.

    15/6/12: Investigation due and must be handed up. This completes your assessement for the course and we can give you an overall grade for Society and Cultures.

    Stage 2

    6/6/12: Investigation proposal due.
    8/6/12: Group reflection to be handed up.
    13/6/12: Social Action for Group Task presented to class and handed up.

    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    The issue of issues

    The address for the Socialsense blog

    Contact Emma and Malcolm at

    The Stage 2 Social Ethics and Stage 1 Social Issues topics raises the issue of what is an issue 

    The study of social issues raises the question as to what actually is an issue. It can be said that at the local, national or global level, an issue involves considering the following: 

    • Dispute is the essence of any issue.

    • Issues often involve contending groups of people with conflicting opinions.

    • The hardest part of any study is selecting an appropriate issue. Issues selected for investigation must show clearly conflicting elements and involve choices decided from a range of alternatives.

    • The investigation of an issue must consider the roles and perceptions of stakeholders (various groups in those places and other significant groups elsewhere) that have a vested interest in the issue.

    An example of an issue is:
    'Should the age of drinking alcohol be increased.'
    In the Society and Cultures classes at both Stage 1 and 2 you are required to develop and conduct an investigation of a social issue.

    To help you with the investigation here are some websites dedicated to exploring and providing information on issues. It would be a useful exercise for you to look at as many issue as possible before deciding on the final topic to conduct your investigation.

    Here are some of the sites to explore:

    * Newspapers to explore for issues at

    * Find out the facts on a wide range of issues at

    * Research issues at the Social Issue Research Centre at

    * Investigate a catalogue of issues at

    * Find out information for issue studies at

    * Investigate a directory of issues at

    * Look at this Australian social action issue site at

    * Here is a resource with summaries of many issues