The address for the Socialsense blog
The Thebarton Senior College Moodle
Course Calendar for your time management
Contact Emma and Malcolm at
Today you chose some great topics for your investigations.
Here they are:
Lauren: The effect of the media on the body image of young females OK
Sadiqa: The reasons for bullying in schools.
Amina: The banning of the burqa.OK
Hassan: Views on compulsory voting in Australia.OK
Zehui: Schooling in China and Australia.OK
Mojgan: Euthanasia.OK
Pathabor:The impact of Facebook on the young.
Manisha: Discrimination with same sex marriage.
Chrispal: Social acceptance of tattoos.
Christopher: Young peole and the news .OK
Josh: Impact of computers on modern life. OK
Nathan: Harassment in the military.
Amin: Why do refugees risk their lifes coming to Australia.
Alberta: How to learn to use a computer - a computer guide
Kate: Psychological impact of Abortion on women.OK
- Your task now is to fine tune your topic into an issue/ethics study, create a hypothesis, develop focus questions and plan your research. To help these tasks you should be reading evertything you can find on your issue.
- You can change your topic anytime up to the end of term. Just submit a new proposal to Emma or I.
- The due date for the Investigation is Friday of Week 6, Term 3.